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Slovak Government Scholarships for Selected Developing Countries

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Slovak Government Scholarships for Selected Developing Countries

The provision of government scholarships of the Slovak Republic is a long-term part of the development cooperation of the Slovak Republic.

In 2023, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic will implement bilateral development cooperation through the government scholarship program as defined in the Focus of Bilateral Development Cooperation of the Slovak Republic for 2023 (Government Resolution No. 19/2023) and in the Slovak Republic’s Medium-term Development Cooperation Strategy for 2019 – 2023 (Government Resolution No. 40/2019). The conditions of admission and granting a government scholarship are regulated by Act no. 392/2015 Coll. on Development Cooperation and on Amendments to Certain Acts and Decree of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic No. 50/2016 laying down details on the provision of government scholarships.


People applying for an SR Government scholarship for bachelor, master or postgraduate higher education study programmes in the framework of the SR Government’s offer must meet the following conditions:

▪︎Have attained complete secondary education completed by a school-leaving exam.  The document on education acquired abroad must be assessed by the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas (Stredisko na uznávanie dokladov o vzdelaní) of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport at Stromová 1, 813 30 Bratislava.

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▪︎Meet the conditions for acceptance for higher education study pursuant to Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities and on the amendment of certain acts, as amended,

▪︎Submit a completed application form for an SR Government scholarship with the relevant attachments.

▪︎Candidates of 18 to 26 years of age may apply for an SR Government scholarship.

People applying for a scholarship for doctoral study in the framework of the SR Government’s offer must meet the following requirements:

▪︎Have completed higher education in a second degree study programme (having acquired the academic title “MSc.” at a foreign university or “Mgr.”, “Ing.”, “MUDr.” or “MVDr.” at a university in the SR). The document on education acquired abroad must be assessed by the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas (Stredisko na uznávanie dokladov o vzdelaní) of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport at Stromová 1, 813 30 Bratislava. Its opinion must be attached to the application for an SR Government scholarship submitted by the applicant for assessment to the selection committee of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport.

▪︎Meet the conditions for admission to the third degree higher education study programme pursuant to Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities and on the amendment of certain acts, as amended.

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▪︎Submit a completed application for an SR Government scholarship, stating the study field of the doctoral study according to the applicable list of doctoral study programmes conducted in the SR, with a letter of preliminary acceptance from the expected teaching workplace in the SR, as well as with the relevant annexes.

▪︎Candidates of 23 to 35 years of age may apply for an SR Government scholarship.

Application process

The deadline for submission of online application form (available on the website:– the webpage will be active from 24 March, 2023), for the Government scholarships of the SR for the academic year 2023/2024 is 30 May, 2023.

For further details visit here.

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