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Bachelors and masters scholarships at the University of Bristol

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Bachelors and masters scholarships at the University of Bristol

The University of Bristol is a red-brick research university in Bristol, England. It received its royal charter in 1909, although it can trace its roots to a Merchant Venturers’ school founded in 1595 and University College, Bristol, which had been in existence since 1876.

Bristol University is investing £500,000 to help the brightest and best international students come to the University of Bristol. Think Big Undergraduate scholarships and Think Big Postgraduate scholarships are available.

Field of study: 

Any full-time Undergraduate program (except Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science) or any one-year, full-time taught postgraduate program offered at the University

Target group: International students

Scholarship value:

The following awards are available to Undergraduate Students:

  • • 3 x £10,000 scholarships
  • • 9 x £5,000 scholarships

The following awards are available to postgraduate students:

  • • 5 x £20,000 scholarships
  • • 10 x £10,000 scholarships
  • • 20 x £5,000 scholarships

The awards can only be used as fee waivers towards the cost of tuition fees.


You can apply for a Think Big Scholarship if you:

  • are classed as an overseas student for fee purposes 
  • applied to start a full-time undergraduate degree in one of the qualifying courses or a one-year, full-time taught postgraduate program at the University of Bristol.

Click here to find out more about this scholarship.

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