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Government scholarship provided by the Colombian Government

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Government scholarship provided by the Colombian Government

The Colombian Government Scholarship is a fully funded scholarship program for international students. This scholarship is offered for Specialization Degree, Masters and PhD. These scholarships will cover all expenses for the scholarship, books, monthly grant and tuition fee. 

This is a government scholarship that is for Foreign Citizens from all Nationalities to study Masters, Doctoral or a Specialization Degree. You will study in Colombian Educational institutes. 50 International Scholarships will be provided.


  • Eligible Countries: All world countries
    Be a citizen Foreign. Not have Colombian nationality. Foreign professionals who do not have dual nationality (Colombian), who are not residing in Colombia.
  • Not be over 50 years old.
  • Have a professional or bachelor’s degree.
  • Have an average of 4.0 out of 5.0 or it’s equivalent in the Colombian scale to apply the call
  • Have admission to at least a graduate program that is in the Catalog of Academic Offer General Call 2020
  • The documents must be sent in physical form to the ICETEX offices in Bogotá. Address: Carrera 3 No 18-32.
  • The candidate can submit up to 3 letters of admission.
  • No original documents are required.
  • It is necessary for foreign candidates to carefully read the call and send to ICETEX only the required documents. Authenticated or notarized copies are accepted.

Visit the official scholarship website.

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