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International Bipolar Foundation: The Annual Essay Contest

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The International Bipolar Foundation is dedicated to empowering individuals living with bipolar disorder and their caregivers by providing advocacy, education, support, and awareness. As part of their commitment to their mission, they are offering an annual scholarship for young students who write compelling essays on topics related to bipolar disorder. Each year, there is a new essay prompt, inviting students to contribute their perspectives and insights for a chance to earn some financial support.

About the International Bipolar Foundation

International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF), formerly known as California Bipolar Foundation, was founded in June 2007 in San Diego, California by four parents with children affected by bipolar disorder. Well aware of the trauma that bipolar disorder can cause for those living with the illness and their families, these parents felt compelled to do something constructive to help.

The foundation focuses on mental health awareness, in addition to their education, resources, and supportive connection for all who are touched by bipolar disorder. They also highlight and honor the multitude of remarkable contributions that those living with bipolar disorder continue to offer throughout our world.

The foundation’s mission

The International Bipolar Foundation’s mission is to empower individuals living with bipolar disorder and their caregivers by providing advocacy, education, support, and awareness to foster a caring community and stigma-free world where mental health is equitably acknowledged and treated.

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Scholarship benefits

There will be 3 winners who will win the prize of:

  • 1st place – $1,000
  • 2nd place – $500
  • 3rd place – $250
  • Additionally the winner’s letter will be used as a template for future advocacy that will be featured in their website.
Application process

The requirements to apply are:

  1. Applicants must be a current high school student in 9th to 12th grade.

2. Applicants must provide your high school teacher or counselor’s information for verification.

3. Applicant’s essay should be between 500 and 1,000 words.

Note: Your essay will not be penalized for surpassing the word count if the content is deemed an essential part of your message.

Application deadline

The 2024 essay prompt will be updated on their website by November.

For more details, visit the International Bipolar Foundation essay’s contest website.

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