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Kelley McArthur Memorial Scholarship

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Kelley McArthur Memorial Scholarship

In the memory of Kelley McArthur, to support the efforts of students who have overcome obstacles. The Kelley McArthur Memorial Scholarship honors Kelley, who battled rheumatoid arthritis from the time she was three years old until the age of 34. Kelley’s physical challenges did not stop her from getting good grades and focusing on higher education. This scholarship will benefit extraordinary people like her who have a spirit to succeed against all obstacles.




•2.75 GPA.

•Full-time student.

•Financial need.

•Good academic standing.

•Personal statement (300 words) in which student describes how their disability has affected them and how they have succeeded with their disability.

Application process

1) Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the California state university – Fullerton scholarship and awards application academic Year 2023 – 2024.

2) Complete a one page essay, typed and double-spaced, describing student leadership positions held to date and intentions for future student leadership roles at CSUF (see application for content suggestions).

3) Provide resume and provide one letter of recommendation from CSUF staff or faculty.

Application deadline

March 31, 2023

For more details visit here.

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