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The Annual Facebook Fellowship Program

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Facebook Fellowship Program

The Facebook Fellowship Program is designed to encourage and support promising doctoral students who are engaged in innovative and relevant research in areas related to computer science and engineering at an accredited university.

Scholarship overview

The program is open to students in any year of their PhD study and supports talented students from traditionally underrepresented minority groups. Applications are evaluated based on the strength of the student’s research statement, publication record and recommendation letters.

As part of the program, current Fellows are invited to Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park for the annual Fellowship Summit. At the Summit, Fellows can engage with other winners, share their current research, speak with Facebook researchers and teams, and learn more about research at Facebook.

Scholarship benefits

  • Winners of the Fellowship are entitled to receive two years of tuition fees paid.
  • A stipend of $37,000 each year.
  • Up to $5,000 in conference travel support.
  • Paid visit to Facebook headquarters for the annual Fellowship Summit.


  • Applicants must be full-time PhD students who are enrolled in an accredited university (in any country) by the start of the Fellowship.
  • Students must be involved in ongoing research related to one or more relevant disciplines (Follow to site to see available fellowships).
  • Students must remain enrolled full-time for the duration of the Fellowship to receive program benefits.
  • Students should not apply for Facebook Fellowships if they are actively being funded by Facebook through some other sponsorship or collaboration and/or if they are actively being supervised (or co-supervised) by a Facebook researcher.
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How to apply

Applicants are required to apply using their Facebook account

Application must include the following:

  1. Resume or CV.

2. Email, phone and mailing address.

3. Applicable coursework noted 1-2 page research summary that identifies the area of focus importance to the field, and applicability to Facebook of the anticipated research during the award (reference the research areas).

4. 2 letters of recommendation to be uploaded with your application. Please provide reference email addresses, and one reference must be from an academic adviser.

When you fill out the application, you will be asked to input an email address for your references. Your references will receive an email with a link to submit their letter. Please ensure that the contact information you enter for your references is accurate. The application will allow you to save or submit after entering information. You may go back and edit your application up to the due date.

Application deadline

2024 applications will be open on August, but for further details visit the Facebook Fellowship Program‘s official website.

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