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The annual U.S bank scholarship

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U.S bank scholarship


The U.S Bank Scholarship, offered by the U.S. bank, is a program that awards learners after they successfully complete the institution’s financial lessons. U.S Bank is a banking institution that works to meet its customers’ business and personal banking needs through a wide array of competitive products and services.

Applicants who complete up to 35, 100, and 200 modules are eligible to receive up to $2,000, $10,000, and $20,000, respectively.


  • At least 17 years of age.
  • Permeant US resident.
  • Accepted or enrolled in a post-secondary institution that is within the United States.

Application process

To apply for the scholarship, students must simply complete 1-2 minute long financial education lesson modules. The more that students complete, the more money they are eligible to earn through the scholarship.

Application deadline

As of October 30, 2023 the scholarship has been closed. Go back to visit their page in the new year for information about the 2024 scholarship.

For more details visit here.

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