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Université Paris-Saclay annual scholarships

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Université Paris-Saclay annual scholarships

Université Paris-Saclay annual scholarships are fully funded master’s scholarships for international students. The amount of the UPSaclay scholarship is 10,000€ per year. A maximum of 1,000€ for travel and visa expenses can also be awarded depending on the candidate’s country of origin.

The Université Paris-Saclay would like to encourage worldwide students exposure to master’s (nationally certified) programs, teach in its affiliate institutions, and render it simpler for highly qualified foreign learners to join its University, particularly those who wish to create an educational venture through studies up to the doctoral stage.


  • Required Languages: English
  • Eligible Countries: All World Countries

Candidates that are eligible: 

  • Students admitted to a Université Paris-Saclay Master’s program and whose institution of administrative enrolment is one of the following: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, INSTN-CEA, IOGS, UVSQ, UEVE, Paris-Sud University. Among these students, only those who answer one of the following criteria are eligible to apply:
  • Newly arrived international students, aged 30 and less during the course of the election year.
  • Students of foreign nationality living on the French soil for less than a year, previously or currently enrolled in a training course or internship that does not lead to certification. 
  • Students of foreign nationality living on French soil for less than a year, taking language classes (type FFL).
  • Students who have lived in France in the past, within the framework of a mobility program during their studies (e.g. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees, exchange program&hellip that did not lead to certification.
RELATED:  Erasmus University Holland Scholarship

Visit the official scholarship website.

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